'Avengers 2' Spoilers: Ms Marvel to appear in film? Robert Downey Jr teases about a big finale


The latest trailer for "Avengers: Age of Ultron" had every movie and comic book fan excited about the film's story direction. After all, the movie is set to center around Ultron's (James Spader) attempt at world domination.

However, a new buzz among comic fans have emerged: Is Marvel eyeing to introduce a new female superhero into its universe? Screenrant pointed out that DC Entertainment and Warner Bros have already went ahead and announced plans for a solo Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) movie in 2017, while Sony Pictures is reportedly developing a "Spider-Man" story featuring a woman as lead. Although Marvel president of production Kevin Feig confirmed early this year that the studio has no plans to produce a solo film vehicle for a female character, key people like Marvel co-president Louis D'Esposito and "Thor" series actress Natalie Portman have said otherwise. Moreover, The Mirror said that the studio bosses are split on whether they should make Ms Marvel, or Captain Marvel, a lead star in its cinematic universe.

Moviepilot speculated that Ms Marvel could be introduced to "Avengers 2" via a party scene wherein James Rhodes (War Machine) is present to ask Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr) to repaint his suit. After that, he gets sent to retrieve Carol Danvers (Ms Marvel) from the wreckage she has set up in the hopes of destroying a Kree Sentry. Because of the weird energy from the Kree Sentry she was exposed in, it is believed that Carol will recuperate and get the powers she is known for as Ms Marvel.

Another hint that a new character would be introduced to the Avengers fold is Downey's comment about the film's final act. Downey, who plays Tony Stark/Ironman, said to MTV News, "I read the last page, and I got chills for a reason I definitely can't explain."

"Avengers: Age of Ultron" is set to premiere in theaters on May 1 next year.

Avengers: Age of Ultron, Avengers: Age of Ultron spoilers

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