Amanda Bynes Parents Give Her an Uber Account- Are Using It to Track Her Via Cell Phone


Amanda Bynes has been in a troubled place for a while now. And since her release from rehab, Bynes' parents have had a hard time keeping track of her whereabouts- according to Radar Online, after her release, Bynes was spotted wandering around Los Angeles, talking to herself, eating an insane amount of food at a diner and trying to find a room in various hotels.

Well, Bynes' parents have figured out a solution to this tricky problem. According to the Hollywood Gossip, the troubled teen star's parents have set her up with an Uber account on her phone- which gives her a safer mode of transportation then just wandering around on her own. Also, the Uber account gives her parents a way to track where Bynes is going, so there's far less of a chance of losing her.

Here's what an insider said to The Hollywood Gossip.

"Amanda's mom, Lynn, set up the Uber car service on her daughter's cell phone," the insider claimed. "Uber can take Amanda anywhere she needs to go."

"It's paid for out of Amanda's estate, [via] conservatorship. This allows [her] to have independence, but at the same time her parents can track where she goes."

The insider adds that Bynes' parents may leave Los Angeles soon, as "they feel they've done all they can." Although it might be argued that equipping a mentally ill woman with a car service isn't an idea solution.

According to Perez Hilton, the parents are "burned out" at the possibility of taking their daughter back home with them- not just because of the stress and work involved with full-time care of someone with Bynes' issues, but because of the massive public backlash they've received since Bynes' issues came to light.

Check back soon for the latest updates on Amanda Bynes and her condition.


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