'Red Band Society' May Be Cancelled - Stars Preemptively Rally on Twitter to Save Fox Medical Dramedy


Welcome to the latest trend in TV - a show gets cancelled (or is even hinted towards cancellation) and fans and cast members rapidly band together in a Save Our Show! Campaign.

The latest dying series to get a sudden boost of fan love? "Red Band Society." Fox's dramedy about children and teens in a hospital's pediatric ward is not doing so hot; according to Enstars, the series has wrapped the first season's shooting and has aired every episode that will air on Fox (there are still three episodes that remain unaired and FOX seemingly has no plans to air them at the current time).

This doesn't mean the series is dead just yet - the Twitter brigades have already begun rallying to save "Red Band Society." First up is Wilson Cruz, who portrays Nurse Kenji in the series.

Cruz posted the following on Twitter, clearly trying to get the hashtag #SaveRedBand started:

"Do U BELIEVE U may NEVER know what happens 2 Emma,Leo,Kara,Dash,Charlie,Jordi,Hunter,Jackson,Britney,McAndrew,Grace, & Kenji? #SaveRedBand"

If the fans rally hard enough around "Red Band Society," it's possible the show might see another season on Fox (stranger things have happened- shows like "Longmire," "Community" and "The Killing" have bounced back from cancellation to entirely different networks).

But honestly, right now? The outlook's not great. "Red Band Society" only has one season down, which means the fanbase won't be as established as something like "Community" or "Longmire "- both of which ran for several years before being cancelled.

Second, bad news for "Red Band Society" may already be pouring on. The Star reports that the show is cancelled - and while no official word has come from Fox, news like that is never positive.

Now, it's all in the hands of the Twitter brigades.

Check back soon for the latest updates on "Red Band Society."

Fox, Longmire

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