Sony Hard at Work on 'God of War 4' - But Do the Fans Even Want It?


When was the last time we heard anything new about the latest "God of War?"

Recently, KpopStarz put out a piece on Sony's most recent "God of War" franchise. There's not much to know right now- Sony has officially confirmed that they are working on a sequel, and KpopStarz has the game's potential (or at least its working title, anyway): "New God of War."

They add that the game was set for a 2016 or a 2017 release date, but a statement from Sony Creative Director Cody Barlog adds that the release date hasn't really been set anywhere firm.

Rumors for the game's story place the next game in all kinds of places along the "God of War" timeline. Some claim that the game's story will be a prequel, others think it might be the final game for series protagonist Kratos. Some think that Kratos might fight gods from an entirely different pantheon than the "God of War" usual (which would be ancient Greece)- perhaps Norse gods, or deities from somewhere in Asia.

Kratos vs Thor would certainly be cool.

But the latest postings from fans indicate they might not be that interested in another "God of War." Forums at are speculating about where the game might be, but the overwhelming opinion is that Sony doesn't necessarily need to add to the franchise.

Many fans think that the latest game in the series, "God of War: Ascension" was so poor that it's damaged the franchise, and that Sony might be better left letting the series end at the much better received "God of War III."

Says one particularly irate fan:

"This IP is kind of dated, many things have been done over and over, the quick time event is getting bored along with many other things.

Adding some new things as a refreshment sounds like a good idea, but I really don't now should they bother or just let it go, end it at GoW3 and move on."

We'll see what people are saying when the next game comes out.

Check back soon for the latest "God of War" news.

God of War, God of War 4, God of War 4 News, Sony, PS4, PlayStation, PlayStation 4, Gaming

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