Tom Cruise's renowned movie franchise "Mission Impossible" will be releasing its much-awaited fifth installment on July 31st. The story revolves around the valiant agent Ethan Hunt and his quest to serve justice with his team. Cruise, who is now 52 years in age is still the only actor who fits this role best. Armed with natural charm and remarkable acting, this film will surely still keep you on the edge of your seat. Even though the production team has been keeping the information regarding the important film details such as the plot and what to look out for, there's still an update regarding the movie.
MI5 Will Be Released In Prestigious IMAX theaters
The fourth MI installment "Ghost Protocol" had a release through IMAX theaters in its premiere four years ago and it has garnered more popularity and sales income compared to the other installments. This is perhaps why the producers decided to have the film "digitally re-mastered into the immersive IMAX® format." Last February 13th, the IMAX company announced that the film will be released in the extra large format to give the audience the ultimate cinema experience.
According to report, Greg Foster, CEO of IMAX Entertainment said "After the innovative way we worked with our longtime partners Paramount Pictures, Skydance Productions, Bad Robot and Tom Cruise on the record-setting 'MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - GHOST PROTOCOL,' we are beyond thrilled to once again offer audiences The IMAX Experience® of the latest installment of this action-packed franchise. This film was literally made for IMAX and summer moviegoing."
Returning stars include Jeremy Renner (William Brandt), Simon Pegg (Benji Dunn) and Ving Rhames (Luther Stickell). The addition to the "Mission Impossible" for the fifth installment are Sean Harris, Rebecca Ferguson and Alec Baldwin. The movie will be produced by Tom Cruise himself, together with J.J. Abrams and Davis Ellison and will be helmed by Christopher McQuarrie. It will be penned by Drew Pearce, Will Staples and McQuarrie as well.
Do you think MI5 will still be as action-packed as the previous films? Tell us your thoughts! Tune in for more updates regarding the film.
"Mission Impossible 5" will hit the theaters on July 31st.
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