Apple OS X 10.10.3 Pre-Release Boasts More Emoji, Better Google Sign-in, in Second


Apple has rolled out yesterday an updated version of OS X 10.10.3 that boasts more diverse Emoji characters and a better sing in process for Google services.

The second beta OS X 10.10.3 enables users to choose from various skin tones from racially diverse character set. The previous pre-release first made changes to the Emoji characters as seen on the preview.

The technology class of Emoji also brings updated iOS devices and the impressive new Apple Watch. The latest build pays attention to Wi-Fi captive network support and Screen Sharing as the central focus for testing improvements.

With build number raised to 14D87h from 14D72i, OS X 10.10.3 is expected to come out officially for all users this coming spring. This latest pre-release version brings in fresh dimensions to bundled Photos apps with build number 205.34.0, which enables a more efficient experience for adding new Faces. The first pre-release carried the build number 203.38.0 for Photos, a beta version of the iPhoto replacement app.

Apple continues to warn some user interface elements and animations may not display properly, while dragging and dropping videos and photos from Photo to Mail might not work. A selling point for Photos, photo edits synchronized from iOS devices may not show up until the image is opened in Edit View on the Mac, while iCloud storage also gives an issue. iCloud Photo Library is estimated to be larger than what is required if duplicate photos are found.

However, upgrading iPhoto library is another potential issue. The progress bar might not report the actual status, while imported videos may show incorrect capture time. Apple have asked already developers to assess performance when connecting to Wi-Fi captive portals using Safari.

New people recommendations pops up from a new bar at the window's bottom can be added to user's album, which can be easily done by vertically scrolling through or minimizing altogether. In the first pre-release, the method makes it to slow down as a separate window must be opened.

The current release contains the OS X Server 4.1 Developer Preview (14S1050d) and Xcode 6.3 beta 2 with Swift 1.2 with build number 6D532l. OS X 10.10.3 is now available to registered developers through the Apple Developer Center or as an update through the Mac App Store.

Apple, Apple news, Apple Updates

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