'Kingdom Hearts 3' PS4, Xbox One, PC to Arrive in 2015? Square Enix Admits Pressure

By Staff Writer

Mar 09, 2015 09:52 AM EDT

Amid speculations that Kingdom Hearts 3 might be released by 2016, Square Enix hinted that the game might be finished before 2015 ends. Reports mentioned about its development alongside Final Fantasy XV's "the end is in sight."

When Square Enix mentioned about the progress of Kingdom Hearts 3, they mentioned that "the end is in sight." This particular statement was made together with another game title, "Final Fantasy XV." Thus, fans guessed that these both games might be released earlier than expected. Perhaps, before 2015 ends.

With both game's development, there is still a lot to test and to improve since the game hasn't even reached 30fps from its current appearance. That also means, that the team has been working double time to make everything in place until they'll manage to finish the game within this year. 

However, though there will be a lot of guesses made by fans, still the option of seeing the other side that maybe the game might be released earlier next year since the game's progress remains unclear until now. But according to these reports, there are two teams working on these two big game titles to release by Square Enix.

Currently, Kingdom Hearts 3 is still under its preliminary stages of development since the game developer has to ensure that they can achieve the expectations of the players who are patiently waiting for the game's official release.

Mentioned by one gaming site, Square Enix has been doing so much hard work while living with the pressure from the fans. Because of the pressure, wherein players are expecting that the game mechanics as well as the entire gameplay will be great. Another pressuring part for the game developer is the success of their previous series of Final Fantasy title.

Meanwhile, Kingdom Hearts 3 will arrive in a multiplayer mode featuring Sora while it might end in Xenahort's saga before next series to arrive. The game will be exclusive in Sony and Nintendo consoles.

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