Adrian Peterson to bid Goodbye to Minnesota Vikings, Join Arizona Cardinals? Football Running Back Career Move Affected by His Child Abuse Case?


Adrian Peterson to stay Viking or Play as Cardinal? This is only one of the many questions surrounding about American football running back who is suspended until April 15 due to his child abuse case . Apparently, the 29-year-old loyalty to Minnesota Vikings is affected due to team's lack of support when he needed them. If both Dallas Cowboys and Arizona Cardinals is reportedly interested to welcome him, which team hge will choose?

According to a, Viking's management is doing their best to make him stay as their running back even after his $12.75 million-worth-of-contract ends this year. The sports site shared that Peterson had a series of meeting with Vikings officials, first in Texas where he had 4-hour dialogue with coach Mike Zimmer and General Manager Rick Spielman. Then on Monday he went to New York to negotiate with team's big bosses Mark and Zygi Wilf.

There's no definite decision yet after those meetings, but there are two possible options for Peterson, trade or let him go as free agent. CBS also informed some claims that Vikings offered an insurance policy as incentive for their another running back Matt Asiata just in case Peterson bid goodbye in their team.

"I'm still uneasy about a lot of things that took place within the organization. Of course those guys ultimately supported me, and I'm grateful for that. But ultimately, with me being able to be on the inside and see how cards were dealt, how things were worded, this, that and the other, it's about protecting your brand, your organization, what you have built. In the grand scheme of things, not one person counts over that. I get that," Peterson said in his interview with ESPN Sport about his second-thought on staying as Vikings player.

"[The] media in Minnesota took the head of the situation with my child, and were digging into things that weren't even relevant. That wasn't people in Texas - it was people in Minnesota that dug in and brought things out. That impacted me, but most importantly, it impacted the people around me - my family, my kids. This came from the state I love so much, that I wish to bring a championship to? This is how they treat me when I'm down and out? You kick me?"

With his child abuse case where he reportedly badly hit his 4-year old son with a tree branch, the 6'11'' Texas born player applied for reinstatement to the National Football League.

If Peterson decides to cut his ties with Vikings, he possibly choose to be with Cardinals as per Yahoo! Sports writer Charles Robinson analysis on Arizona Sports 98.7 FM.

"I think it's feasible," Robinson commented."A couple of things have to happen here. Number one, Adrian Peterson met with (Vikings) ownership earlier this week, and from what I understand he's still not satisfied with his situation in Minnesota."

"So at the very least, while he's still not satisfied, while he would still like to play elsewhere and his number one option is still the Arizona Cardinals, I truly believe that he's not -- if the Vikings force the situation and say, 'We're going to pay you and we're not going to trade you,' I think he would report," the Yahoo writer said. "But the Cardinals can create a space here for themselves if they can convince Minnesota that they can give them something of value, which would be draft picks or whatever."

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