'Prometheus 2' Plot Details Leak Revealed? Ridley Scott Plans for Movie Sequel, 'Prometheus 3'


We know almost nothing about Prometheus 2, other than its official confirmation as a sequel to 2012's Prometheus. That's it, really. Yet, it may be possible that spoilers for the film have already leaked online!

Here's what the spoilers allegedly are, according to Master Herald. And for obvious reasons, if you'd like to go into Prometheus 2 without knowing the ending, it's best you don't read the following paragraphs. If you're game for spoilers, however, than go ahead and keep reading.


Here goes.

So, according to Master Herald, Predators director Nimrod Antal was recently speaking with Prometheus 2 director Ridley Scott, and Scott divulged major details about the film's entire plot, from the setup all the way through the end. There was even some talk about Prometheus 3 in there, too.

Here's what Scott allegedly told Antal. Prometheus 2 will, apparently, be set on Earth, and not on the homeworld of the Engineers, as the first Prometheus film seemed to be setting up. According to the potential spoilers, the film begins with Elizabeth and David headed towards the Engineer homeworld, but are diverted by an Earth-bound military spacecraft and spend the film on Earth.

As well- and this is a big one- the spoilers allege that Elizabeth is killed over the course of the film, and that a female military hero takes her place as the protagonist.

Now, to look at these spoilers logically. Are they accurate? Probably not. For one, it would make very little sense for Prometheus 2 to be set on Earth, as the first film made it clear a sequel would follow Elizabeth's quest to find out the real meaning of human existence. Putting that off for an entire film while the characters just putter around on Earth would just delay what people really want to see.

Also, it doesn't hold up that Elizabeth would be intercepted by a human vessel while traveling to the Engineer homeworld, as they're already immensely farther in space than humankind has ever traveled. But we'll find out for sure as Prometheus 2 draws closer to its release date.

Prometheus 2 news, Prometheus 2 spoilers, Ridley Scott

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