'Spectre' spoilers found in first trailer: Producers talk surprise Blofeld ending, James Bond franchise


We've been waiting months to see a first glimpse of Spectre, the latest James Bond film, in motion. And on Friday night, we finally got to see it- even if it wasn't that much. We saw little bits and pieces of things; how James Bond (Daniel Craig) and Moneypenny (Naomie Harris) are recovering after the events of Skyfall, Bond sneaking into a house to find Mr. White, looking extremely decrepit and near-dead since last we saw him, and of course, our villain! Whose name is Oberhauser, played by Christoph Waltz, though we're all expecting him to end up with a different name by the end of the latest Bond picture- maybe something along the lines of "Ernst Stavro Blofeld."

But how much of the movie can we figure out just from this little trailer? A surprising amount, actually, once you factor in a recent interview Coming Soon did with Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson, two producers on the film. They've dropped a surprisingly huge amount of info on the latest Bond film.

Of course, there's the one tidbit we all want to know: will Waltz be Blofeld? Asked if there were any cats in the movie (obviously implying the famous white cat that would always be sitting in Blofeld's lap), Wilson had this to say: "That's a good question. I don't think we can say. You wouldn't think of a white one with a little diamond collar? (smiles)"

Which sounds very much like there will be some Blofeld in this movie.

Broccoli also mentioned this, in regards to bringing back classic characters while keeping the series fresh: "It's always a challenge. We try to get the right blend of classic bond with a contemporary twist and come up with new storylines. I think we've done a really good job on this one. I think Sam is an amazing director and we've got a great cast and a great director. So we've got to let the public decide."

Spectre will premiere in theaters on November 6, 2015.

James Bond, Daniel Craig, Movies

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