Doctor Who season 9 Premiere, Spoilers: The Master returns from the dead? Steven Moffat teases finale shocker


Doctor Who Season 9 is coming back for yet another wonderful new worlds, new beings, and insane plots that fans from all over the world have loved since it started in the 60's and then reemerged in 2005.

In the show's ninth season, the Doctor will have a new disposition, Missy is coming back from the dead, and writers teases fans of what is to come.

Steven Moffat, Doctor Who's showrunner, said in a recent interview that the Doctor, played by Peter Capaldi, will not be the same Doctor in the previous season. In the new season, Moffat plans on making the Doctor funnier. He said he has told Capaldi that "You're not the stern Doctor. You're not the rude Doctor. You're not the brusque Doctor. You're kind of the don't-give-a-damn Doctor."

Surely, Capaldi's incarnation of the Doctor involves him saying whatever is on his mind without worrying about anyone else's reactions. This might not seem like a lot but this might mean we are getting a softer twelfth Doctor the next season.

However, a softer Doctor might not be the case since The Master, also called Missy, who is played by Michelle Gomez, will be returning in the series opener, which is going to be a two-part spectacle entitled The Magician's Apprentice and The Witch's Familiar. Even though she was seen disintegrating in the final moments of series 8, Missy apparently survived this.

While this is definitely surprising, fans have learned to expect these kinds of resurrections when it comes to anything in the show that is not human. Gomez hinted in an interview that the opener might involve Adam and Eve and the serpent in the Garden of Eden, pondering aloud which one of the three ate the apple first.

Writer Mark Gatiss is penning an episode in the new series and promises that it will be a scary one, bringing a much darker tone to Doctor Who after writing a happier episode in the previous season.

Moffat also teased fans that the season finale will involve a cliffhanger that fans will not expect. Though fans are used to being either heartbroken or shocked by Moffat's twists and cliffhangers, that does not mean it hurts any less.

Doctor Who season 9 will premiere this autumn on the BBC network.

Doctor Who, Doctor Who Season 9, Doctor Who Season 9 Spoilers, Doctor Who Season 9 Premiere

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