Simple GTA V PC Install Error Fix Provided, SP Infinite Ammo Mod Add Rockstar's "Heartache" With Modders


A list of problems quickly plagued GTA V a few days after its PC release ranging from install errors to somewhat pure software incompatibility. Though Rockstar is still working for a proper fix to solve these problems, temporary troubleshooting techniques are provided by experts for gamers to try.

The Windows Username Error

If installing the game and suddenly a "The Rockstar service update is unavailable" error pops out, this is a windows username problem. When the game is installed on a Windows operated PC, people with special characters in their username wouldn't be able to install the game at all. This is because the game doesn't have support for special characters and symbols, which many people normally use when creating usernames. Though Rockstar is still busy releasing an official fix, PCgamer have already provided a good selection of fixes for problems encountered in the game.

  • Just make another windows administrator account without using any special characters
  • Use only upper and lower case letters and numbers from 0 to 9 when creating a username
  • Restart and reinstall

Unable to play Single or Multiplayer

After loading the game, gamers get frustrated when they choose online/single play and fails to load. The solution is provided a Reddit user, MoustacheEmperor.

  • Open device manager
  • Go to display adapters
  • Disable Nvidia device only
  • Launch the game
  • Quickly re-enable the NVidia card

MoustacheEmperor said that "...Seems like there's a compatibility problem with mobile nvidia cards."

The Steam "Installing" window pop up

After loading the game, a steam "installing" window pop up emerges and the game doesn't continue to load. These is a possible fix for the problem.

  • Open GTA V install directory - (right click on the game in steam)
  • Go to properties
  • Go to Local files tab, click on "Browse Local Files"
  • Go to "installers" folder
  • Manually install the Rockstar Social Club, clicking on the installer provided in the folder

Though this is just a temporary fix, PCGamer suggests that this might be caused by a connectivity issue with Rockstar Social Club.

Though these issues are pestering gamers, Rockstar has bigger problems to deal with. Since news of Rockstar's apparent unwillingness to openly invite modders to tinker with the game, many have already made mods for GTA V. In an interview with Gamespot, Rockstar said when asked about modding support.

"Since GTA Online has such a massive and vibrant community, our primary focus is making sure that nothing detracts from that experience or has a negative impact on the overall community of players."

If Rockstar labels modders and mods as something that "detracts from that experience (pertaining to the game," then modding support is bleak. However, despite Rockstar's apparent "You shall not pass" stand on modding, many are already breaking into GTA V and some have already made mods such as an "infinite" ammo trainer and a camera mod just days after the game's release. Is modding like adding eyebrows to the Monalisa or more like a photo editing session, fans would give different answers. Nevertheless modders are here and who could tell what they can do in a week, month or a year after April 14; the possiblities are endless.

GTA V, Gta v pc, GTA V news, GTA 5 News, PC Games, Pc games 2015

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