'Batman v. Superman' Cast Update: Is a Wonder Woman love triangle sub-plot happening? Full trailer out soon


A recent "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" cast/plot update reportedly has the added twist of a romance by one of the caped heroes with Wonder Woman. Though Wonder Woman's inclusion in director Zack Snyder's sequel to "Man of Steel" has long been confirmed, it's unlikely that the romantic angle will be seen in the full trailer that will be released soon by Warner Bros.

Israeli beauty Gal Gadot, who caught moviegoers' eyes with her appearance in "The Fast & The Furious" films, certainly has the magical appeal and charm that makes her well-suited for the role of Wonder Woman. From the get-go, focus has been on the two icons of the DC Universe - Superman still to be played by Henry Cavill, and Batman to be portrayed Ben Affleck .

For the past several months, fan-made trailers and posters have been disseminated, rousing the curiosity of avid moviegoers and DC comic book buffs. The romantic twist or rumored love triangle of Superman; Lois Lane played by Amy Adams; and Wonder Woman, to date, remains a speculation.

DC Comics' 1998-released issue, "Superman: Distant Fires" is set in a post-apocalyptic Earth, and the survivors. Superman and Wonder Woman, become real close, fall in love, and have a son. It's early to tell whether Wonder Woman's role or romantic relationship with Superman (or who knows, Batman?) will be as memorably intense.

While putting together the trio of favorite powerful DC superheroes is a done deal -- and it's a formidable ensemble -- there's not much yet in terms of confirmed details. News about what's happening on the set have focused so far on costumes and gear of the superheroes. DC's most powerful female superhero will be pretty interesting to watch, nonetheless.

For now, Gal Gadot looks like she's in tiptop shape. She has been training intensely for over a year now to stay in character. She has engaged in kickboxing and other rigorous forms of training to attain body mass to better personify the Amazon princess who sets out to fight for justice.

"Batman v. Superman" is set to be released in March 2016.

Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice Latest, Batman v Superman News, Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice spoilers, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Batman v superman cast, Gal Gadot, Ben Affleck, Zack snyder, Warner bros, The Fast and the Furious, Dc comics, Henry Cavill

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