‘The Flash’ Spoilers: Caitlin Snow discovers Killer Frost’s twisted fate? Smiling, happy Black Canary in Episode 19


Latest 'The Flash' Spoilers around that with the identity of Harrison Wells and The Reverse-Flash takes notice, Caitlin Snow may discover soon the twisted fate of her alter ego, Killer Frost. Meanwhile, episode 19 will let fans see the different version of Black Canary.

Last episode of the CW's 'The Flash', shown us Barry had some help from Felicity and Ray from 'Arrow' in stopping Brie Larvan and her deadly robotic bees. In episode 19, titled 'Who is Harrison Wells?', Barry will need all the help he can get, as it looks like the superhero is gearing up to finally confront Dr. Wells about his Reverse Flash identity. It was added that Barry will soon reveal his suspicions about Wells to Caitlin and Cisco. What will happen when Barry reveals what he knows to the scientist himself?

In an interview with Blastr, Danielle Panabaker told what she knew about how the show writers will make Caitlin figure out the Killer Frost. She teased that she has a feeling that they're headed towards Killer Frost. In 'The Flash' Spoilers, it revealed that while Cisco appears to believe Barry, Caitlin can't seem to comprehend that Dr. Wells is the Reverse-Flash. However, her stubbornness could cause Eobard Thawne to realize that they are close to discovering the truth about his identity.

Meanwhile, other 'The Flash' spoilers revealed that Episode 19 will show us the different side of Black Canary.

According to another report for 'The Flash' spoilers, while the Joe and Cisco head to Starling City to investigate Dr. Well's accident, they will ask the help of Captain Lance in town. Cisco meets the Laurel Lance aka Black Canary, who asks him for a favor.

In a separate interview with Blastr, 'The Flash' executive producer Andrew Kreisberg said, "You get to see a different side of [Detective] Lance and Laurel through the prism of a Flash episode."

"Our tone notes to Laurel Lance was to leave all your troubles behind and have fun on 'Flash.' You get to see her smiling and happy in sort of a different place," Kreisberg added.

Fans, are you excited for the upcoming episode? Share us your thoughts below about the latest 'The Flash' Spoilers.

The flash, The Flash Spoilers, The CW, TV series

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