'Pan' Update: Premiere Pushed Back, Warner Bros Announces New Release Date


The release of "Pan" has been pushed back to October 9 according to the latest announcement from Warner Bros. The movie about Peter Pan starring Hugh Jackman and Rooney Mara was originally slated for a July 24 release date. The reason cited by the studio for pushing back the release date is to give "both the film and the filmmakers some extra breathing room."

Dan Fellman, president for domestic distribution over at Warner Bros stated that the extra time afforded for the project will allow them to market the movie better and at an extended time as well. "We wanted to give Pan the space to extend its theatrical run, so taking it out of the cluttered summer season made the most sense," said Fellman.

"Moving the film to the heart of the fall will allow us more time to screen the picture, enabling us to capitalize on what we anticipate will be strong word of mouth," Fellman added. If the studio went through with the July release, "Pan" would be competing with movies like "Terminator Genisys", "Ted 2", and "Ant-Man" to name a few.

The decision to move the release date was well received by director Joe Wright. "As you might expect, the fantastical story of Peter Pan involves very complex effects, and I did not want to compromise on quality in finishing the film," said Wright after WB's announcement. "This allows me and my team the time to complete the movie and tell the story the way it should be told."

Aside from Jackman and Mara, the upcoming movie will also feature Garrett Hedlund as Captain James Hook while Levi Miller has been cast to play Peter Pan. Jackman will play the character of Blackbeard while Rooney Mara of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" fame will be playing the role of Tiger Lily.

Hugh Jackman, Garrett Hedlund, Peter Pan

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