Star Wars Battlefront 'Break the Internet' Campaign Flounders, Rumors of Game Being EA’s Battlefield Re-skin Chopped Into Paid DLCs Continues


Many have mixed feelings about EA Dice's upcoming Star Wars Battlefront, especially after the game's premiere in the Star Wars Celebration last April 16-19, 2015. The "break the internet" campaign of EA Dice that should start the hype with a bang didn't turned out well.

At the celebrations, Star Wars fans where at first completely blown away by the graphics of Star Wars Battlefront and the "battlefield" like experience it seemingly depicts. However many are surprised and some are disappointed that the game won't have a single player campaign, no space battles and no Clone wars.

Fans may have gone with the flow if DICE didn't announce that those who will pre-order the game will have the "Battle of Jakku DLC" for free. This reveal ties the game into the upcoming Star Wars movie, the force awaken showing on December but also raised suspicion. Allegations quickly spread that EA DICE is chopping up the game into paid DLCs and sold piece meal to gain profit as Battlefront seemed to have space for more features than being announced.

The speculations started on Reddit as Star Wars fans offer their insight on Battlefront. However, Jesper Nielsen, EA DICE Producer countered the allegations as reported on IGN.

"Please don't make me break what I can and cannot say, but if you think there's anything we're not including in the game to save it for DLC, I can tell you you're 100% wrong. In this project, I've never heard anyone say 'Let's not do this for launch so we can do it as DLC instead'. Ever."

With all of EA DICE's reveals about the game, many are still left in the dark. The question whether space battles will come as a DLC or if a single player campaign will finally be put up only EA knows. However, many became unsatisfied by the Star Wars Battlefront official trailer as it showed what the game should be which is in stark contrast to what the game currently is, thanks to the limited amount of details EA has revealed. Gamespot offers a nice review of a Star Wars Battlefront demo they've played.

Though DICE continually denies that Star Wars Battlefront is a Battlefield re-skin and that DLCs are not intentionally made to withhold game features for profit, many are inclining to believe so. Unless EA steps it up and make the game more appealing to fans, Star Wars Battlefront will face rumors upon rumors until release day arrives and prove once and for all they are telling the truth.

Star Wars: Battlefront, Star Wars Battlefront Release Dates, Star wars battlefront features, Star Wars, Star Wars: Battlefront gameplay, Star Wars News, Star Wars update, EA, EA DICE, Games

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