Amanda Knox Latest Update: 'Face of an Angel' film to revisit unjust murder case trial? Post traumatic stress affects Kercher's alleged killer


Latest update on Amanda Knox revealed that though she has free from the murder case trial, she now battles the effect of the 8 years ordeal. Amanda Knox is said to be suffering from a post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), aside from the financial difficulty she and her family is facing right now.

Can you imagine yourself having a legal fight for almost a decade? It's not only going to cost you a fortune, but the emotional baggage is going to be dreadful. That's what Knox and the entire family is experiencing right now. According to a report, even if Knox earned a $4 million advance from the sales of her book, this will be all out for the legal expenses they had.

It was also reported that the threats she received from prison have taken a toll on her. She is now experiencing post traumatic stress disorder. True enough, her ordeals are too much to bear for a young lady. To 'add insult to the injury', her wedding will not happen to soon.

While Amanda Knox and her family could be possibly rejoicing until now after the Italian court decided that Knox isn't guilty of murdering Meredith Kercher, the new film 'Face of an Angel' revisits the Perugia hearing and all the media frenzy that surrounded it.

The director of "Face of an Angel," Michael Winterbottom told Entertainment Weekly that Meredith Kercher's death was lost in the media frenzy that focused on the murder trial of Amanda Knox.

He said, "Meredith's death is almost lost in all the fascination. It was a big soap opera around Amanda Knox, and the press felt they had to tell the story in the way they did because of the demands of the market. They had to sell their stories back to America or back to Britain, so they have to frame their story the way the people would buy."

The director also claimed the Amanda Knox murder trial exposed him to a lot of ugliness in how the media covered the event.

Amanda Knox, Meredith Kercher

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