Tags: Meredith Kercher

Amanda Knox Latest Update: 'Face of an Angel' film to revisit unjust murder case trial? Post traumatic stress affects Kercher's alleged killer

Latest update on Amanda Knox revealed that she is battling PTSD. Meanwhile, 'A face of an angel' revisits murder case trial.

'The Face of an Angel' Latest Updates: Amanda Knox-inspired Film Set Even after Acquittal; Cara Delevinge’s Acting Sizzles

Explores the movie The Face of an Angel. It shows how the move has not really done well reviews-wise and ticket wise only service to further Cara Delevinge's acting career.

Amanda Knox to face Italian Highest Court, Cassation Wednesday

Amanda Knox faces a new trial. The 27-year old might face a 28 1/2 year sentence should the courts make their decision.

Amanda Knox Murder Trial Delaying her Wedding if she’s Guilty? "What's my role in the society," she says

Amanda Knox trial is set on March 25, 2015 but her wedding plans with fiance Colin Sutherland may be disrupted if she will be guilty of the death of Meredith Kercher in 2007.

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Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito's murder case proceedings are still under process. When will this indecisiveness stop in the stand of the Italian court? Are they guilty or are they, behind the camera, suffering from injustice?
A new film about Amanda Knox's case would be reintroduced to the public again because of a movie entitled "The Face of an Angel." rWhat does the director have to say about talk that the film falsely insinuating that Knox is guilty of murdering Meredith Kercher?
The people behind "The Face of an Angel" has been threatened by Amanda Knox's defense camp from showing the film in theaters ahead of its premiere date. The primary question now is, "Will the movie be shown?"
Attorney Luciano Ghirga said Amanda is threatening to sue as the film could harm her image, especially with the fact that her appeal for her re-conviction is still in progress. Ghirga said, "There have already been at least two films and 12 books about the case. If the film is based even loosely on the murder in Perugia and if it is damaging to Amanda's image, we will be asking for damages, as we have done in other cases."
It has been made known that a movie loosely based about her untold story would be developed into a film. The Standard UK said that the film would be directed by Michael Winterbottom, and will star supermodel Cara Delevingne and lookalike newcomer Genevieve Gaunt. Gaunt is also known to the Harry Potter cinematic universe as Draco Malfoy's girlfriend Pansy Parkinson. Meanwhile, Knox and her ex-boyfriend continue to fight against the Italian court ruling that uphold the initial trial verdict in 2009.
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