The game that should have "broke the internet" became the target of continual attacks from dismayed critics. Star Wars Battlefront, which is a game reboot developed by EA Dice is being hurled with negative comments as critics and dismayed fans point out to "milking" practices done by the company. The negative allegations started when fans of the game point the seemingly missing features in Star Wars Battlefront that should have been there.
No space battle at Game's release
First of these missing features is space battles, which is the whole point of Star Wars being an intergalactic war in "a galaxy far far away."
Many felt that with the technology and the amount of Star Wars films produced, it is logical that a new Star Wars game would at least pinpoint the major climactic points of the original trilogy, which are epic land and space battles.
No single player campaign
Next is the apparent exclusion of a good single player campaign. Though previous Battlefront games do not have a single player campaign, many of today's fans do expect to have some sort of single player story mode they can dig their teeth into apart from continually doing multiplayer. IGN did a podcast detailing the benefits of having single player in Battlefront and possible reasons why it is left out.
Marketing these missing features for extra cash after release
Lastly and the most controversial accusation coming from dismayed fans is EA Dice's "milking" tactics of deliberately withholding the release of these "missing" features to be sold to consumers as DLCs.
Because of this EA Dice countered these allegations with official responses, spearheaded by Jesper Nielsen, DICE Developer. In response to negative comments on Reddit about Star Wars Battlefront, Nielsen said.
"If you think there's anything we're not including in the game to save it for DLC, I can tell you you're 100 percent wrong," Nielsen continued, "In this project, I've never heard anyone say, 'Let's not do this for launch so we can do it as DLC instead'. Ever."
Nielsen also provided explanations why Space battles is not "yet" included on the game's release.
"We have and are still discussing space every now and again. We know it has some very exciting prospects. So of course that would be fun to explore! When and if that will happen is impossible for me to say, but no, we're not saying that space battles are evil and that we will never, ever touch them with a ten-foot pole."
Finally, he also offered a reason why much of the game's features are still not revealed, especially an official actual gameplay footage.
"As for what is or isn't revealed yet; don't jump to conclusions. Any marketing campaign wants to spread out the information flow up until game release to keep excitement strong. If we told everything about the game now and showed everything, most people would forget about it a few weeks from now."
If the game will be a huge success or a monumental flop no one knows come November, when the game is released. They started off with a "Break the Internet" campaign,
The destruction of the Internet: It will be as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in excitement.
— Christian Johannesén (@phatseejay) April 12, 2015
However, at this moment, EA Dice’s “break the internet” campaign, which was hyped through tweets was a total and epic fail of galactic proportions.
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