Tags: Game news

New Destiny DLC Rumored Taken King; Bungle Continues to Give Fans What they Want

Destiny will have another DLC according to Activision before getting a sequel. Game gets 20 million users all waiting for the biggest DLC yet.

Spark Unlimited Kicks the Bucket; Project Cancelations Root Cause for Shutdown; Remaining Assets Up For Auction

Spark Unlimited shuts down after project cancelations and still undisclosed "issues" that was big enough for company executives to throw the towel. As Spark employees are laid off, remaining company assets are now set up for auction

The Witcher 3 Hailed As Most Anticipated Game of 2015 Even As Story Opens on Geralt’s Close

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is now the most anticipated game of 2015 according to a survey done by Game informer. Though this is because some Triple A games set for release failed to meet the hype they've created.

Star Wars Battlefront "Missing" Features Defended by EA DICE, “Milking” Allegations Fired Off by Dismayed Fans Destroys "Break the Internet" Campaign

The game that should have "broke the internet" became the target of continual attacks from dismayed critics. Star Wars Battlefront, which is a game reboot developed by EA Dice is being hurled with negative comments as critics and dismayed fans point out to "milking" practices done by the company.

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The Uncharted series has long been praised and criticized by fans and critics alike, mainly due to its strict linear story and gameplay. However, it seems that Naughty Dog will have to add some reason for exploring the wide world their creating for Uncharted 4 or it will just be a waste.
Star Wars: Battlerront debuts on Star Wars Convention, However, leaked release date point to November 15 release. All speculations whether Battlefront will have a Battlefield feel indeed will now be answered.
Another Star Ocean story will hit shelves for the PS4 and PS3 come 2016. Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness will once again bring the whole universe into the hearts of fans.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will certainly exceed gamer expectation as almost everything a gamer want has been revealed. A massive game play, more magic use and stunning visual connection to Geratt's being are just the tip of this massive CD Projekt Red iceberg.
After the end of season 2, Diablo 3's season 3 start now. Gamers will start anew and continue their level up quest once more.
Call of Duty Advance Warfare Boasts 2.5 billion Zombies killed and 2.2 trillion grenades exploded. the world is safer from zombies with COD gamers around to win the day.
Mass Effect 4 will have more milestones to hit as current gaming hardware today provides more avenues to develop and improve the game.
Primal Carnage Extinction PS4 is underway, developers plan tbusy on modding UE3 framework to make console version work.