Assassin’s Creed moves plot to Spain? Assassin’s Creed centered in the Spanish Inquisition Era similar to the movie


Put on your hoods and ready your arms because the next installment of the much celebrated historical action-adventure open world stealth video game will be revealed this Tuesday. And it would seem that Ubisoft will be following a theme and that would be centered during Spanish Inquisition period. Therefore, the upcoming Assassin's Creed game will be set in Spain, just like the upcoming movie.

Ubisoft had issued a teaser image that hinted on the upcoming theme. The teaser had bared the phrases, " Rooks", "God Save The Queen", "Strength Through Loyalty", and "We Force the Chains We Wear In Life." But recent reports would claim that Ubisoft aims to unifying the theme of the Assassin's Creed franchise this time, thus giving birth to the Spanish Inquisition theme.

The teaser image posted by Ubisoft had featured the main character's hands wielding the classic assassin wrist-blade, brass knuckles, a cane and wrist-mounted pistol. Also the website had featured a reference to the phrase "oppression has to end." This is historically related to the infamous Inquisition led by Tomas de Torquemada, to force people to Christianity.

The next Assassin's Creed game will be similar to the story line of the upcoming movie. Thus the gameplay is presented in a way that is akin to the movie. The game will take place in Spain and centered on the infamous Inquisition led by Tomas de Torquemada, Templar Leader (the main antagonist in the movie). The main assassin in the movie, Aguilar de Agarorobo, portrayed by Michael Fassbender (Magneto from X-men: Days of the Future Past) with the aid of a female assassin named Lara (Marion Cotillar) will take down Torquemada.

Michael Fassbender, the main thespian, will also co-produce the movie directed by Justin Kurzel. He will be playing dual roles in the movie which is set in both historical and modern era. In the historical 15th century Spain, he will play the role of Agarorobo (ancestor of Lynch), while in the modern era, he will play the role of a death row inmate named Michael Lynch.

The new Assassin's Creed game is set to be revealed this May 12 at 5 p.m. UK time and 12 p.m. ET via livestream. The game will be released on the biggest consoles of this gen, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. Yet despite the rumors regarding the next installment of the game, being set in Spain and centered on the Spanish Inquisiton, named Victory, it is said to go by the name "Assassin's Creed Syndicate."

Ubisoft, Assassin's creed update, Assassin's creed movie

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