League of Legends Free-to-Play Gameplay to Arrive As A Very Expensive Game Costing $100?


League of Legends seemed to disappoint the fans with the cost that the game asks from their pockets. According to the recent sources, the game might be asking for around a hundred dollars just for the purchasing cost of the game to enjoy the thousand-hour opportunity offered by this free-to-play gameplay.

One of the most defining characteristics of League of Legends is that it is a free-to-play game. However, it seemed ironic to its name that from the term free-to-play it contrasted to the cost that this game asks from the gamers around.

Based from the reviews popped out, the critics said that there are two sides to consider about having the game in every player's hands. First thing is the positive traits that this game has to offer for them. In this part, there is a big assurance that the game has a massive fan base. That means there is a big chance that there will be a lot of the people who will be enticed to purchase.

But the term "expensive" was being clearly drawn by the game developer. This means nothing relative to monetary terms but indeed it is more of spending dimes with every updates that they will be adding every time in the game. Through this way, the gamers will have the chance to receive rewards from them regularly. That means the currency as labelled here is more of a "virtual" thing not really the real money that every reader [in this writing] was thinking beforehand.

On the other side, another thing to examine about purchasing this is that the League of Legends, with its requirement from the gamers to spend much more frequently to get a regular dose of rewards, the game developer seemed to lack the beta testing phase as of now, which means that the players who wished to have this will not guarantee a glitch-free gameplay.

Without realizing it, the gamers are spending more bucks than the quality of gameplay they deserve for League of Legends. If they just try to think about it, though having the game first-hand is not that expensive, but the regular rewarding system is requiring every player to spend something time by time in order to get the optimal gaming experience. If not, they will stick to the usual "free-to-play" version of League of Legends.

League of legends

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