Tags: League of legends

Heroes of the Storm Update: Latest Patch Update Details Revealed; Rewards Available for Recruit a Friend Event

Heroes of the Storm released its latest patch update and details about recruit a friend campaign. Heroes of the Storm, a multiplayer battle arena video game, released its latest patch update and details about recruit a friend campaign.

League of Legends Updates: New Loot, Crafting System Revealed; Choi Gaming Joins 7th e-Sports World Championships

The massive online battle arena League of Legends recently added the new loot and crafting system as part of the coming changes. Also in the news is the victory of CIS in the International Wild Card All-Stars Events while Choi Gaming is heading its way to the 7th e-Sports World Championships.

‘League of Legends’ Updates: Developer’s Participation in Psychological Research

League of Legends game developers have cooperated with a psychological research by providing post-game player data.

'League of Legends' Borrows DOTA 2 Features For Season 6; Mastery Chests and Keys, New Champion Select System Included

"League of Legends" Season 6 will be full of new features, as developer Riot Games recently announced. Some of these are Mastery Chests and Keys, and a new Champion Select system.

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Riot Games recently released the League of Legends 5.12 Patch with the hopes of bringing back the AP junglers, in the quest for diversity or as they put it as player’s choice, reflected in the new Runeglaive jungle enchantment. A new champion to join League of Legends is revealed while current champions get nerfed while others get visual updates.
Riot recently revealed the abilities and roles that the new League champion Tahm Kench, The River King can perform.
Riot develops a new instant feedback system for League of Legends that punishes negative behaviors of players instantaneously- within fifteen minutes after a match ends. The League of Legends developer addresses verbal abuse of players through a new system that would give a two-week to permanent ban from the game.
“Heroes of the Storm”’s Tychus Findlay has to ditch his cigar to avoid conflict with the game’s teen rating in multiple regions. Blizzard decided to change the hero’s appearance rather than make two versions of Findlay. But is it true that Blizzard’s MOBA video games are losing to Riot Games’ “League of Legends”?
Details about new hero character Ekko and updates on Sion remake project. League of Legend fans are waiting to hear more news from Riot Games about the Sion remake along with finding out more details about the new hero character named Ekko as the "Boy Who Shattered Time.
League of Legends seemed to disappoint the fans with the cost that the game asks from their pockets. According to the recent sources, the game might be asking for around a hundred dollars just for the purchasing cost of the game to enjoy the thousand-hour opportunity offered by this free-to-play gameplay.
Lol classic champs are getting the updates. Latest update is Ryze, rolled out with patch update 5.8. Ashe is work in progress. Kassadin, Poppy slated for next update
The UK government is now listing down charities, educational, and other random websites wrongly blocked by Internet service providers when web filters designed to block porn came into full effect.
Mariano Rivera would get the highest honor for being the biggest star in American League's All-Star games.
Similar to the NASCAR, the growing audience of eSports, or electronic gaming, is paving the way for a big sporting industry.