The highly-anticipated HBO series turned movie entitled "Entourage" is set to hit the theatres on June 3. The movie will reportedly have a larger scope and the production of the movie is a really big cinematic experience that fans of the show should look out for.
In a recent interview with "Entourage" Adrian Grenier, he shared, "If you're an existing fan, you get everything you always loved about the show just more." He added that the movie will be depicting the actual celebrity lifestyle that a lot of people are obsessed with so "Entourage" fans will be having a great time watching the movie.
Grenier pointed out that people will be surprised on how accurate the "Entourage" film is since audiences will have a glimpse of how celebrities live their lives. The HBO series is about the hot and young actor Vincent Chase and the movie will still follow the said plot.
Another interview in line with the "Entourage" movie, which is set to be out in theatres in just a few weeks from now, is about Jeremy Piven returning as Ari Gold. Ari Gold is an aggressive agent who has anger management issues. He pointed out that Ari's character in the film will be fast-forwarding to six months after his last appearance in the last season of the HBO series. He noted that he will be found living in a small town in Italy and would focus on how he deals with being away from Hollywood.
Speaking of Hollywood, there will reportedly be 30 cameos of Hollywood celebrities throughout the film. "Entourage" director Doug Ellin said that he remembered when other people noted that the T.V. series had too many cameos of Hollywood celebrities but he pointed out that it is the reality. He shared, "You get on a plane in L.A., and there's three celebrities sitting in first class."
"Entourage" will be out in theatres by June 3. Which celebrity are you betting on seeing in the HBO series turned movie? Let us know in the comments!
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