“Game of Thrones" Season 5 Episode 7 Recap, Spoilers: Sansa’s Black Wedding aftermath; Jorah and Tyrion fights to the death in Mereen?


Long-time fans of the show will notice that the ever-beloved opening sequence will focus on five places in Westeros where significant events are happening in each place: King's Landing, Winterfell, The Wall, Braavos, Mereen, and Dorne. Sansa's Black wedding brought a surprising twist in the plot while Tyrion and Jorah's life is in danger now that they are back in Mereen.

At Winterfell, Reek is doing his best to care for a devastated Sansa Stark, who in turn implores Theon (NOT Reek) to help her. Sansa is imprisoned in her room everyday, with only the company of Ramsey Bolton at night. Sansa tries to remind Theon that he is honor-bound to help her, and he agrees to light the signal. However, we see Theon walking through Winterfell with a lighted candle, but he goes straight to Ramsey's dining room. Meanwhile, Brienne continues to wait for a chance to fulfill her oath and rescue Sansa.

Ramsay later on finds time alone, again with his wife Sansa. He expressess his worries about the possibilities of a child claiming heir over Roose's name and power. Fans are starting to wonder if this is an indication that Ramsay is ready to bring a child from Sansa to protect his position as true warden of the north. He also informs Sansa about Stannis Baratheon's plans to claim the north. Will he be the savior Sansa has been looking for? Little Finger's reaction and possible move againts Sansa's unlikely faith is also something fans are looking forward too in the next episodes of the "Game of Thrones" series.

Meanwhile, on the road to Winterfell, Stannis and his men are suffering from the cold weather. While Ser Davos tried to warn Stannis from attacking with his weakened force, Stannis is adamant that the time must be now. Melisandre says that she has foresaw a great victory for Stannis, but only if he makes a sacrifice to the Lord of Light. She suggests using Princess Shireen as this sacrifice, which angers Stannis and causes him to order Melisandre out of his tent.

Tyrion and Jorah are brought to a slave market and auctioned off. At first, the buyer only wants to purchase Jorah, but Tyrion was able to convince the buyer to purchase him as well by beating up a servant with his chains. The buyer relents, and purchases both Tyrion and Jorah. Will Tyrion be fighting inside the pits of Mereen as well in the next episode of the series? This is one exciting spoiler to look forward to in the "Game of Thrones" this coming Sunday.

Cersei, who remains to be the safest and most powerful character is the series, visits Margaery in her cell, but a furious Margaery tells her to leave. Cersei goes through the halls of the Great Sept, where she finds the High Sparrow waiting for her in a small adjacent chapel. The High Sparrow talks to Cersei, telling her how simple the chapel is compared to the Great Sept. Then, he asks what they will find if they strip away Cersei's gilded appearance. He says that not long ago, a young man came to the Sparrows and confessed many sins. Suddenly, Lancel enters the chapel. Cersei is apprehended by a Sister, and is locked in a cell underneath the Great Sept.

As the events in Westeros unfold, one never knows the twists and turns that will happen. What will Sansa do now? Will Jaime manage to help her sister and lover Cersie, now locked because of their sins? How will Dany react to Tyrion and Jorah's presence in Mereen? Find out next week!

Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones Season 5

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