Marvel's "Thor 3: Ragnarok" Plot Update: Thor and Loki set to die on the third film, Jane Foster to step up as the Female Thor?


The fans of Thor and Loki should start worrying now as either or both of the lead roles of Marvel's "Thor" franchise is speculated to die on its third film "Thor 3: Ragnarok".

Marvel's "The Avengers: Age of Ultron" was the first one to introduce its fans and viewers to the cruel way of killing some of its characters. In fact, the movie did not just show a few death scenes but also scenes which signify the possible departure of some major players like Bruce Banner and Hawkeye from the story; and Marvel could possibly do this again in the forthcoming film "Thor 3: Ragnarok".

"Ragnarok" signifies the end of days in Norse mythology. It is basically the telling of the world's end when Fire Giants under the leadership of the same creature named "Surtur" conquer and destroy Asgard. In the comics, most of the major characters fought and defended their planet. Odin fights a giant wolf, Thor fights a huge serpent and Loki fights Heimdall wherein all of them unfortunately died.

During Marvel's latest movie "The Avengers: Age of Ultron", Ultron claimed that humanity is doomed wherein Vision has calmly agreed. It might sound like a casual conversation for some but it is actually alarming knowing that the all-knowing super entity Vision admitted the humanity's damnation. This means that something big is indeed in store, which the viewers could possibly encounter in "Thor: Ragnarok".

The film's executive producer, Kevin Feige, has already teased earlier that they are planning to take Chris Hemsworth's Thor to another level in its third film. However, it is uncertain whether the level that Feige was talking about means his death or a different kind of scenario involving a rumor of a female thor.

There were already rumors about Natalie Portman's character Jane Foster stepping up as a female Thor in the third franchise of the film. According to reports, if Thor would be fortunate enough to live instead of dying in the third phase of the film, there is a chance that he will give up his powers and hand it over to his love interest.

It is yet to be determined whether Marvel will choose to adapt the cold storyline in the comics, killing a few of its iconic characters or keep the third phase warm and appropriate for further expression and creativity.

How would you like Marvel's upcoming "Thor: Ragnarok" to turn out? Which character would you like to survive -Thor or Loki?

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Marvel, Thor 3: Ragnarok, MCU Phase 3

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