Xbox One Exclusive titles release date leaked ahead of E3: Rise of The Tomb Raider November 13, Forza Motorsport 6 September 18 launching outed


The release dates of Microsoft's Xbox One exclusive titles, Rise Of The Tomb Raider and Forza Motorsport 6 have been reportedly leaked by giant retailer Amazon.

The game's listing for Rise of the Tomb Raider indicaet November 13 release date while Forza Motorsport 6 release date shows September 18, however, Amazon was quick to switch the dates back to the December 31 placeholders.

Screenshots were captured to serve as evidence of the leak and were posted on NeoGAF showing the purported November 13 release date for Rise of the Tomb Raider, and a September 18 release for Forza 6.

WCCF Tech cites that since Halo 5: Guardians is officially dated to release in October, the leaked launch schedules fit like a glove for the two games in question.

It would be soon enough to find out whether this unintentional leaks would come true when more juicy details at E3 2015 will be revealed at Microsoft's press conference slated June 15.

Graeme Boyd, social marketing manager at Xbox, has shared in his interview with gamer2gamerevolved that more Xbox One exclusives are on the way apart from the titles that have been confirmed like its premium offering, Halo 5: Guardians.

Says Boyd, "Absolutely. As you can imagine, Halo is a huge deal for us at Xbox and I can't wait to see where Master Chief's story is going in Halo 5. If you've been following the #HuntTheTruth stuff there's some really interesting stuff going down, and I think we'll really need to question our understanding of Chief as a character and the relationship we've all had with him over the last 15 years.

"I think the new direction 343 are taking there feels fresh and new and exciting but still distinctly Halo, so I'm really excited to see and play more of that."

"But the most exciting thing for me is that Halo 5 is just one exclusive Xbox One title still to come. We've also got Forza 6 on the horizon, Fable Legends, Quantum Break, and lots more to come - and don't forget that Xbox One is the only place you can play the new Tomb Raider this year. That - plus all the big third-party titles - means it's a brilliant time to be an Xbox gamer."

Also, Phil Spencer has announced that a new IP will debut at E3 2015 plus a few more added surprises.

Microsoft's press conference is set at 5:30pm on June 15, a day earlier than E3's opening on June 16 where Xbox One gamers can expect more to hear about the release dates of Rise Of The Tomb Raider and Forza Motorsport 6.

Rise of The Tomb Raider, Forza Motorsport 6, Rise of the Tomb Raider Release Date

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