Destiny The Taken King DLC Arrives in September 15 for $40: Bungie says it’s a “Game”; Full features list revealed


Destiny The Taken King DLC makes a brighter appearance as Bungie reveals that the upcoming package is really more than just content. To be specific, the developer describes it as a "game," considering the continuing way the title expands from the time it was created. With this announcement at hand, a full list has been provided so fans get a clearer picture of what they'll be getting for their money.

According to a recent report, Bungie gave a statement about the Destiny The Taken King DLC. It went, "We've already said that we'll be kicking off the second year of Destiny with a major expansion. On the road to launch we plan to prove that The Taken King is more than DLC - it's a game."

The developer points out how experiences from its players serve as an important source for improving the game. With that, there are plans to explore gameplay aspects such as economy improvements, weapon rebalancing, faction allegiances, and quest experience among a lot of other things.

The article goes on with what Bungie has to say as it goes, "If you've been adventuring alongside us through The Dark Below and House of Wolves, you know our creative process follows an evolving playbook. The Taken King will present its own unique leap forward, and we're excited to unpack it for you this summer."

The Destiny The Taken King DLC will include new subclasses, with their fresh set of abilities and Supers. There will also be a new full destination, named Dreadnaught, which comprises treasures, rituals, and other secrets. The story will become more engaging as the cast of characters take on cinematic cutscenes for the narrative portion.

Destiny The Taken King DLC will be released on September 15 for the price of $40. With the recent updates about this package, some of which have already been mentioned earlier, could it be that Bungie has justified the worth they are putting on it? For more updates on the franchise, don't forget to come back for the next report.

Destiny The Taken King, Destiny Game

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