Tags: Destiny Game

'Destiny' Update 2.0.2 Goes Live, Focuses On Crucible; Includes Nightstalker Abilities Fix, New Weapon Parts and More

Bungie has just released update 2.0.2 for the first-person shooter game "Destiny" and is heaviliy focused on Crucible. In addition to that, the said update will bring fixes to Nightstalker abilities and will introduce new weapon parts.

Destiny The Taken King DLC Arrives in September 15 for $40: Bungie says it’s a “Game”; Full features list revealed

Check out the features included in Destiny The Taken King DLC as Bungie reveals the fact that it is more than just downloadable content, but an actual game. A lot of enhancements have been added as the developer seeks to explore other topics that players find important.

Destiny Patch Features New Branded Weapons and Artifacts in Official Bungie Reveal; $40 The Taken King DLC Receives Few Complaints?

Find out what Bungie has to offer in Destiny The Taken King DLC such asbetter firearms and armors and "Artifacts" considering that the price is at $40; See if fans are really complaining or if the expansion was worth the money in giving improvements.

Destiny The Taken King DLC Teaser Image Leaked by Bungie: Large Container Saying “Caution Explosive Projectile”, Big Announcements in E3 2015

Check out what Bungie has to say about the image posted on the Destiny The Taken King DLC, which somehow points to E3 as the main source of updates for the title as the rumored release might really be on September for $40.

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Here are some weekly refereshers for Bungie Destiny.The players will go to the Pits in order to fight with Phogoth. Skerion is the main target of the game.