Apple's iPhone dominates rivals In US platform shares


The numbers are finally out and once again, Apple's iPhone was declared the winner edging its rivals Android, Windows, and Blackberry, with a huge gap.

Apple's iPhone, according to AppleInsider, gained the US platform share at the expense of Android, Windows, and Blackberry. It grew a total of 43.5 percent of the US smartphone market. Android, on the other hand, which is by far, has the majority of the market, platform wise went down to just 52.1 percent. Windows and Blackberry slipped a couple points lower ending up in 3 percent and 1.3 percent, respectively.

Individually, Apple was also declared as the clear winner getting 41.6 percent while Samsung comes in next with 26.7 percent. LG trails behind Samsung overtaking last quarter's third placer Motorola which skid to fourth and a couple of points, ahead of fifth-placed HTC, TechTimes said.

At the slight end of the rope, Windows phone is just barely ahead of Blackberry. Windows ended up with 3.2 percent while Blackberry fell short with 3.1 percent. What attributed to Apple's victory over Android, according to experts, was the transition to the bigger screens. Particularly the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, which was formally launched September 2014.

In related news, Mac OS X and iOS have gained a little bit of momentum with regards to the operating system arena. Based on AppleWorldToday's report, although Windows stayed dominant and strong at 90.66 percent, the OS X increased to 7.66% in July compared to June's 7.54%. The all-time high that the OS X booked was in October 2013 with 7.73 percent.

Meanwhile, iOS went up from June's 40.83 percent to 41.56 percent by the end of July. Android, like Microsoft, remained strong and leading with 51.07 percent while Windows phone is at 2.11 percent and 1.16 percent for Blackberry.

On the flip side, although Android looked liked to dominate the market share, Apple's iOS is the clear winner. As everyone knows, Android is shared by several smartphones in the market, companies such as Samsung and LG to name a few, but Apple's iOS, who almost had half of the entire market is a lone ranger in the department.

The number also shows that out of billion users of phones, tablets, and other similar devices, 41 percent of the billion is an Apple and iOS users.

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