Until Dawn Update: Supermassive new horror title's vital information revealed before official August 25 launching


With Until Dawn seemingly standing on its own in terms of genre, Supermassive Games looks to make the horror game of this generation be a little bit more recognized. Other games may come close, but Until Dawn is certainly one to keep the gamers beneath the sheets.

Soon to be released, Until Dawn has a few tricks up its sleeve, apart from the multiple jump scares and drastic decision making consequences that players will truly get chills over. According to IB Times, there are a few things about Until Dawn that certainly get the gamers' attention before the supposed scare.

The fact that Until Dawn requires a player's straight and clear decision making skills is already a plus factor, moreover that it could be the horror game to bring the genre back to the mainstream scene, as reported by Attack of the Fan Boy.

To make things even more challenging, Supermassive made sure that if or when a player makes a wrong decision, the gamer will no longer be able to rectify the particular mistake, unless to start the game all over again.

To top that off, a single decision swerves into a somewhat "Butterfly Effect", wherein the entirety of the plot can be affected with one choice. Any factor that the deciding player may fail to consider can lead to some serious mishaps if not thought of thoroughly.

That being said, Until Dawn has certainly been compared to a number of games that are considered to be under the same theme. As recently delivered by Movie Pilot, a few games have been laid right next to Until Dawn, and fans are the only real critics who will most likely be able to answer the question concretely.

Pre-ordering Until Dawn also allows the players to have a certain bonus chapter to take on. As the game is bound to be released on August 25, there is no more turning back as the scare of Supermassive's masterpiece is already at hand.

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