Security protection, Galaxy Apps auto installation, and more in Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 LTE Android 5.1.1 Lollipop version


Several Android devices are receiving updates to stop the attack of Stagefright virus. One of the devices is Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 LTE, which recently started receiving Android 5.1.1 Lollipop version via OTA. The new OS version offers protection from virus invasion and improvements to the tablet through new features.

Android 5.1.1 update started on August 16, NeuroGadget reported. The new version provides security fix to the tablet and new features especially with its navigation. The new features include Galaxy Apps auto installation, reactivation lock, brighter colour theme, and improved multi window. Further, it was also reported that Galaxy Tab 10.1 LTE with Android 5.1.1 version will have improved notifications such as lock screen actionable notifications, notifications priority feature, and floating action button.

Verizon is now issuing Android 5.1.1 Lollipop for its Galaxy Tab 10.1 LTE users, Android Geeks said.

In the event that the tablet was not able to receive the update through an OTA, NeuroGadget mentioned that users can manually update it by going to the Settings, next is About phone, then choose Software Updates, and lastly, confirm the installation. The tablet will reboot on its own once installation is done. Of course, the tablet should be connected to the internet and have enough battery life to successfully update the tablet.

On the other hand, the version of Android 5.0 is where hackers were able to gain access to Android devices through mms, Android Geeks posted. The mms contains Stagefright bug which attacks the phone even if the mms is not opened. As of the moment, smartphone manufacturers and carriers are involved in stopping the attack of Stagefright bug virus with security updates.

Android devices such as the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 LTE will continue to receive updates from time to time to promote security and protection to Android users against the Stagefright bug virus.

Android OS update, Smartphones, Android, Software Update

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