The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Hefty-Sized UPDATE Brings Lots of Issues, Bugs; Hotfix for Steam Available Now


The critically acclaimed game developer of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, CD Projekt RED, has rolled out the much awaited hefty-sized 15GB Patch 1.10. However, the latest update has also brought in tons of major as well as minor bugs to the game.

Lots of major and minor bugs have been reported by gamers via Reddit surrounding the recent release of the new patch 1.10 for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The launch of the latest update went really rough for the game developer. To mention a few problems, gamers encountered freezing issues and other errors, a long list of these issues and bugs were shared on Reddit:

IB Times noted some of quick fixes in case the game won't run on Steam. Players are told to do the following steps:

  • Go to Witcher 3 directory, look for "vcredist.exe" which is normally located in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt__redistMSVC2012_x64), launch it, and choose repair.
  • Delete "d3d11.dll" and "dxgi.dll" in The Witcher 3 Wild Huntbinx64. It is advised to cut these files and paste them into a backup folder in case something goes wrong.

On the hand, CD Projekt RED developer Vinthir has informed players that a hotfix for Steam is now out and will be available for PC users very soon. In a different post, Vinthir also responded to complaints from players on the disappearance of items and schematics after receiving patch 1.10.

He explained saying,

The issue will apply to DLC items in New Game +. We are working on a fix and will roll it out as soon as possible. In the meantime please hold on to your saves from before the patch.

"The affected DLCs:

  • Temerian Armor Set
  • Beard and Hairstyle Set
  • Nilfgaardian Armor Set
  • New Quest - "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear"
  • New Quest - "Contract: Skellige's Most Wanted"
  • Elite Crossbow Set
  • Skellige Armor Set
  • New Quest - "Where the Cat and Wolf Play..."

For those interested in a more technical explanation, the issue is related to re-balancing of items and their stats in NG+. The changes were applied in 1.10 to game files referring to the items. However, DLCs could not yet be patched in 1.10 (this is due to the game's builds' structure, which requires a new DLC patching system on which we are currently working).

Game Pur wrote that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt patch 1.10 is supposed to be released to improve overall performance of the game across Xbox One, PS4 and PC/Steam platforms including fixes for tons of issues, bugs and glitches. This update, however, has also caused a significant drop in performance on frame rate following the installation where it goes down to 45FPS.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is an action open world RPG developed and released by CD Projekt RED last May 2015. A new paid expansion titled 'Hearts of Stone' is set to be launched on Wednesday, October 13.

The witcher 3: wild hunt

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