HTC One A9 Specs, Release, Product Details, Overview: HTC Hints at Upcoming Device; Smartphone Inspired By Apple's iPhone 6?


HTC, one of the stalwarts in smartphone innovations, recently hinted at their new mobile phone, HTC One A9 (codename: Aero/Hero) and at first glance appears to be similar to iPhone 6. Images from the up and coming smartphone revealed the following: sleek metal boders, oblong micro SIM and SD card slot, twin speakers at the bottom, and crystal clear screen, to name a few.

It is quite apparent that HTC One A9 might have been inspired by the iPhone 6 design. According to Dante D'Orazio of The Verge, HTC is changing priorities in terms of the overall look and feel of the new smartphone. HTC wanted to make the new HTC One A9 an HTC re-innovation that embraces new technologies for better user experience.

D'Orazio likewise indicated more specs to be divulged and actual unit testing to be conducted once the HTC One A9 finally releases. The HTC One A9 performance is touted to be mid-range category and will carry a competitive price within its range, D'Orazio added.

Moving forward with HTC One A9, the new smartphone's official release is said to be slated this coming November, 2015. Tim-o-tato of Droid Life cited this announcement while in attendance at an event that showcased a dummy HTC One A9 unit. Despite this, however, the dummy phone presented was a variant of AT&T which only further confirms the aforementioned official release date, Tim-o-tato affirmed.

And in an event to be held on 20th October, 2015, HTC will officially announce the scheduled unveiling of their new HTC One A9 smartphone to the public. According to David Curry of Digital Trends, the new smartphone is already nearing market release pending final review on all of the specs and minute details of the HTC One A9 that will be divulged with the actual unit. Curry also pointed out that the HTC One A9 had already been Sprint- and GCF-verified on 2nd October, 2015, making it all too certain that the unit is indeed to be released very soon.

The apparent unveiling of HTC One A9 brings a lot of excitement to all HTC fans. HTC is a big brand name to contend with alongside Samsung, Nokia, and Apple, among others. It is already expected that the HTC One A9 (codename: Aero/Hero) is one smartphone innovation that will exceed everybody's expectations once this unit goes public.

HTC, Htc one a9 specs, HTC Corp, Htc one

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