Twitter Acquires Lucky Sort
Twitter acquires Lucky Sort for ramping up of its keyword ad tool functionality. Twitter CEO Noah Pepper recently announced the acquisition of Lucky Sort in order to boost its ad sales and reporting functionality.
Vince Clothing Company chooses banks for fall IPO
Vince Clothing prepares for fall IPO. According to two sources that has first-hand knowledge of the situation related to clothing company Vince, the company is nearing the completion of its preparations for an initial public offering.
Mercator Bids Down to Two
Mercator, the largest retailer of food products in Slovenia has received two bids, one from regional rival Agrokor and investment firm Mid Europa Partners.
Avista Makes Cash Bid for Telular Shares
Avista offers cash bid for Telular shares at US$12.61 per share. In an announcement on Monday, Avista Capital Partners disclosed that the ACP Tower Meger Sub, Inc has pushed through with its earlier announcement regarding its cash bid for all the existing shares of common stock of Telular Corporation.