Van Dieman’s Land Co. Sold to Chinese Moon Lake Investment for A$280 Million
Van Diemen's Land Company has been acquired by the Chinese business man Lu Xianfeng and his company Moon Lake. The country's approval of the dairy farm's sale to a foreign firm was made possible with certain conditions that the Moon Lake needs to comply with, especially with the taxation policies.
Audi To Feature Fuel Efficient A4 Allroad quattro
Audi is going to hit the market with an ultra version of the quattro, A4 Allroad quattro, during the middle of this year. The new quattro is capable of cutting friction losses and is believed to improve emissions and efficiency. It will be the first ever Audi to feature the ultra version of the quattro system.
Will Venture Capital Slowdown Hit Asia in 2016?
Asia has been a growing market for startup companies and venture capital deal. However, as U.S. venture capital faces a slowdown and overblown valuation, will Asia also experience the same?
AT&T to spend $10 billion to expand its business solutions for customers worldwide
AT&T on Monday announced its intention to spend about $10 billion in order to provide its "integrated solutions" for enterprises globally. The company is also testing its 5G broadband services at enterprises and homes.