
Job growth slowdown a sign of tightening economy

The US economy encouragingly created more jobs for the past two years and now is set for a slowdown, as economists predict. The prevailing credit conditions the US market indicate tightening of economy. The US private sector added 205,000 jobs in January as against 267,000 in December.

GoPro Loses $19 million Through Repurchasing Own Stocks, Apprehends For More Purchasing In 2016

GoPro has represented fourth quarter financials on Wednesday. It has counted a loss of 8 cents per share in Q4 and yearly earning per share has been reduced to 76 cents a share. The yearly earning has been reduced by 42% from 99 cents per share, a year ago. Poor sales during the Q4 have been held responsible for the week financial figures. But the company itself has widened the loss margin through repurchasing own stocks. Not only that, it has allocated $264.4 million funds for further share repurchasing in 2016.

Apple Convicted For Patent Infringement, Ruled To Pay $625.6 million To VirnetX By East Texas Court

VirnetX has been in the limelight for its achievement in realizing $223 million from Microsoft in out of court settlements. Now the patent litigation company has won a court verdict that instructs Apple to pay $625.6 million for patent infringement issues. VirnetX has claimed for $532 million initially, but Apple’s deliberate infringement over the patented products has reportedly increased the amount.

Luxembourg proposes mineral mining from asteroids

Luxembourg has proposed to tap the mineral-rich asteroids orbiting between Earth and Mars for minerals that are scarce in our planet. Its deputy prime minister, Etienne Schneider, has already announced the roll-out of the initiative named, which will be set up with the help of its US and European commercial partners.

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Cisco announced its intention to purchase Jasper Technologies, a provider of cloud service for internet-powered devices, for $1.4 billion. The merger will enable Cisco to provide a full IoT solution which is inter-operable through devices and coordinates with application developers and IoT service providers.
Google, for the first time, has disclosed financials on earnings, expenditure, asset value and future business planning. From the financials, analysts have found lot of scopes for Google and its parent company, Alphabet to expand. Google’s ad earnings have been witnessed to rise significantly during the year 2015. Meanwhile, it has spent only $3.6 billion in its ambitious technology projects during the same period. The net earning of Alphabet has been reached to $4.9 billion. Adding this earning to the net asset value, Alphabet has been recognized as the worlds most worthy enterprise.
President Barrack Obama seeks an additional $1.1 billion in the face of increasing death rates due to overdoses of heroin and opioids. The Obama administration has already split the amount and categorized them to focus on different aspects like increasing medical-assisted facilities, prescriptions of antidotes, plans for overdose prevention, etc. These facilities are to be rolled out to the rural areas as well.
Takata Corp, a manufacturer of airbags used in vehicles for consumer safety, will announce its restructuring plan to automakers in May. The restructuring plan is expected to include the sharing of recall costs. The defective airbags are forcing automobile majors to recall millions of cars.
According to PwC and NVCA report, Charlottesville has been the fastest growing startup since 2010. Between 2010-2015, venture-backed startups increased 55% annually in the place where Thomas Jefferson's house is located.
Today, India's largest biotech company announced to have been able to make two vaccines for zika virus. A day before, France's Sanofi Pasteur planned to research on vaccine for the mosquito-borne disease.
Ningbo Joyson has signed a definitive deal to acquire US-based airbag maker Key Safety Systems. KSS hope that the merger with Joyson will further accelerate its business and fasten its future growth.
Vodacom Group Ltd has recorded 8.7 percent growth in third quarter revenues. The South Africa-based mobile phone company is focusing on subscribers and high-speed network expansion. Vodafone is expanding internet services and strengthening its network amid rising domestic competition.
The gold buying demand from China is surging from last December onwards owing investors' priority to safe haven assets. The sluggish stock markets, weaker currency and lower global prices are prime reasons for the rising demand for the yellow metal. The consumption rose 3.7 percent to 985.9 metric tons in 2015.
Stryker just reached an agreement with Sage to acquire the company for $2.76 billion in an all cash agreement. The acquisition is expected to boost Stryker's revenue in the coming years and the company will also enjoy $500 million in tax benefit.
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