Amazon is Planning to Spend Over $3 Billion on Audio and Video Content
Amazon will spend more than $3 billion for Amazon Prime music and video content. With a 54 million members in the U.S., Amazon Prime wants to increase customers spending to boost its revenue following a downtrend.
Russian Ruble Plunged To Record Low as Oil Price Keep Sinking
Russian ruble is decreasing and hits all-time record low against dollar last week. Starting this week, the currency started its way to recover and reach 10- day high.
Survey Revealed VR Has Become More Attractive to Game Developers
Virtual Reality has started to attract more developers. Game Developers Conference revealed a survey showing that more game developers are working on VR prior to the event next March.
Facebook India: Free Basics Internet Program Still Struggles Against India Regulators
The program aims to provide limited internet access to users, but the concept has raised concerns regarding internet neutrality. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has asked Facebook to discontinue the service until they provide more information on the program as requested. Facebook has responded with a campaign, but the program's ban has not yet be lifted.