
US billionaire Douglas Tompkins dies in kayak accident in Chile

Adventure brand and Esprit owner and co-founder of the North Face outdoor company, Douglas Tompkins, died in a kayaking accident in Chile. He spent a large percentage of his wealth on environmental conservation.

Airbnb confirms $1.5 billion fund raising round

Airbnb, the US home-sharing startup, has confirmed closing of $1.5 billion fund-raising round. The latest closure of fundraising puts the unicorn startup at staggering valuation.

South Africa's inflation up at 4.8% in November

Falling in line with the economists' forecast, the inflation rate in South Africa rose to 4.8 percent in November, registering its highest since July 2015. Consumer prices marginally rose 0.1 percent during the month. South Africa's currency Rand fell against US dollar, euro and pound. The currency depreciation is likely to be a major risk to the inflation outlook.

Verizon considers buying Yahoo's internet business

Buying Yahoo seems to be a pretty good option for Verizon, as apparently wants to be an owner of all the old school internet portals. According to Reuters, Verizon Communications Inc is the No. 1 U.S. wireless carrier company. On December 7, its finance chief, Fran Shammo revealed that they have a deep interest in purchasing Yahoo Inc's core business.

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The U.S. health officials announced on Monday that as many as 200 people who attended a catered event at a downtown Seattle's Russell Investments Center have become ill with norovirus.
Twitter, a kind of real time pulse tracking the events as they happen where people from around the gather in moments of triumph, activism, support and fascination to express their views, have revealed the most popular tweets of 2015. The hashtag # JeSuisParis, used to show solidarity with the French capital in the wake of its second terrorist attack, marked the most talked-about moment of the year.
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Budget consumers itching to get their hands on a Windows 10 run smartphone could rejoice to the release of the Lumia 550 as it is up for grabs for only $139. Gizmodo writes the phone is perfect for those who need a Windows phone but are on a tight budget because it is the cheapest Windows 10 handset available yet.
Virtual reality is here, and Google Cardboard is one of the most prominent platforms bringing the technology to the masses. Now you can turn your Android phones into Virtual Reality (VR) cameras as the Google has launched a new app Cardboard Camera that allows you to capture 360 - degree photos in seconds.
Now the mobile e-commerce is a booming e-commerce business in India. India could have 657 million Internet users by 2019, up from 277 million to date. The growth of mobile e-commerce increased at a fast pace.
Despite Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's "womenomics" plan to encourage more Japanese women in the workforce, the country doesn't seem to want to follow it. Japan's gender equality bureau has reduced its goal of hiring women in senior positions from 30% to 7% and leadership positions in the private sector to 15% by 2020.
The Police of Austria has been left bewildered after they found thousands of euro banknotes floating in Danube River. Soon after the discovery, police officers called all the banks of Danube in Vienna. During this euro rescue mission, bystanders observed an anonymous boy jumped into the river.
The prospect of the retail will be unveiled during this festive season. Target is all set to launch a retail store that will comprise partly a pop art display and partly a magical toy store. This initiative is said to be located in the Downtown Manhattan.
Australia's Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, has announced a huge investment of $1.1 billion innovation fund to help startups and STEM. The National Innovation and Science Agenda, announced at Australia's science body in Canberra CSIRO on Monday, has been labeled as an "ideas boom" to move Australia forward after the "mining boom."
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