French financial markets wary of terror attack aftershock
Analysts are expecting some sell-off in the stock market today as investors are expected to be cautious after the Paris attack. However, the market seems to be resilient from the attack especially the French market as investors seem to refuse to panic despite the attack.
Twitter's Direct Message To Control Botnet The Comfortable And Effective Way
Turns out Twitter's extension of Direct Message passed 140 characters accidentally gives botnet administrators a stealthy and streamlined approach to control their bots.
Google announced new updates on Local Guides program in Google Maps
Google announced that its expanding the Local Guide program in Google Maps with new updates on its integrated rewards program. The Local Guides feature encourages and rewards users to provide information on area business, including reviews, photos, and other details.
Starbucks offers new perks to military veterans
In honor of Veterans' Day and in extending gratitude to military veterans Starbucks announced that it is offering free tuition to spouse or one child of an employee-veteran working at Starbucks.