
French financial markets wary of terror attack aftershock

Analysts are expecting some sell-off in the stock market today as investors are expected to be cautious after the Paris attack. However, the market seems to be resilient from the attack especially the French market as investors seem to refuse to panic despite the attack.

Twitter's Direct Message To Control Botnet The Comfortable And Effective Way

Turns out Twitter's extension of Direct Message passed 140 characters accidentally gives botnet administrators a stealthy and streamlined approach to control their bots.

Google announced new updates on Local Guides program in Google Maps

Google announced that its expanding the Local Guide program in Google Maps with new updates on its integrated rewards program. The Local Guides feature encourages and rewards users to provide information on area business, including reviews, photos, and other details.

Starbucks offers new perks to military veterans

In honor of Veterans' Day and in extending gratitude to military veterans Starbucks announced that it is offering free tuition to spouse or one child of an employee-veteran working at Starbucks.

Latest News

The Treasury has sold worth of 13 billion British pounds of Northern Rock mortgages to a US private venture firm in what is thought to be the greatest ever budgetary source deal by the European government.
The continuous oil price fall is one side of the coin. The other side is showing rosy picture as six major oil companies have more than enough funds to snap up competitors. It's estimated that world's top six listed oil companies have over $0.5 trillion in stocks and cash enough to fund takeovers plans. ExxonMobil lead the pack, while Chevron, BP Plc, Shell, ConocoPhillips and Total are in the top-six positions.
Apple Inc. announced it was recently granted a patent to further protect its devices from water damage. The patent titled "Liquid Expulsion fron an Orifice" was initially filed in 2014.
The stock market crash this summer drove US investors towards safe haven investment. The US investors started buying gold bars and coins in the wake of August meltdown.
The pound fell without precedent for the first time in four days against the dollar amid speculation Federal Reserve authorities speaking Thursday will set the stage for a U.S Interest-rate increment in December.
Registering slowest growth rate during the past nine quarters, Hungary's economy growth rate was weakest during the third quarter ending September as agriculture production drop impacted the gross domestic product (GDP) significantly. The stagnant construction activity coupled with underscoring risks to the government's capacity to keep up the economic momentum has been adversely impacting the GDP growth rate.
Aeroflot agreed to take over its closest competitor Transaero Airlines as the country's economic woes shake the industry. And to help support homegrown companies in the middle of a downturn, the government is urging Aeroflot to purchase the new Russian Superjets by Sukhoi.
'Blood Diamond' Actor Leonardo DiCaprio and 10 billionaires invested in the Santa Clara-based startup Diamond Foundry. It is a company that ambitions to produce diamonds in a lab that are equal in quality with natural gems without the exploitation that mining industries impose.
Google can power related technologies and information from its projects and investments compared to traditional vehicle manufacturers. Autonomous driving keeps to be one of the most widespread research and recent development activities within the global automotive industry.
A motorcycle accident fired up a creativity to design helmet to increase safety. Skully AR-1 is a smart helmet with heads-up display and rear facing camera. The founder and inventor is inspired by his accident. The helmet may soon be ready for shipping.
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