Euro Group Meeting And Agreement To Fund Greece
As it has been going through all the year, the Euro group meeting will entirely be focused and dedicated to Greece only. Indeed, the Greek government expects to adopt all the remaining measures needed to get hold of €2 billion second sub-tranche of the bailout programme.
Keep your credit score high and debt low
It is a well-known fact that interest continuously accumulate on your credit card amount with time, raising the loan you owe to the credit card company. Consumers have a solution to this problem in order to maintain a good credit score and to avoid the burden of debt entirely. What they only have to do is use their credit card wisely and follow some simple rules.
Opera's Max Data-Savings App to be Pre-Installed On14 OEMs
Opera's new data-management app will be pre-installed into phones from 14 OEMs, the company announced November 8. According to Tech Crunch, the new Opera Max will be integrated to 100 million Android phones by 2017, including Samsung, Xiaomi, Acer, TWZ, and Hisense.
China's imports plunges 12th month in a row
China's import dropped again in October for the 12th consecutive time, according to official data revealed Sunday. BBC News reported that China's imports on October went down 18.8 percent to $130.8 billion.