
Liquidity vacuum: GE suffers most since 1987 Black Monday

In an unprecedented move, the stock price of world's most diversified business conglomerate fell 21 percent on the Wall Street. The shares of General Electric (GE) suffered biggest loss ever since the Black Monday in 1987 eroding the company's value by a whopping $53 billion.

Hawaii leads most expensive states in US; New York slips to 3rd position

The latest rankings on most expensive states in the US reveal that New York is no more the most expensive place in America. The Aloha State (Hawaii became Aloha State officially by 1959 Legislative Act) moved up to the top position in the list of most expensive state in the US for first quarter of 2015 from second most expensive state status in 2014.

Apple stock rebounds after Tim Cook's e-mail on China sales

Apple's stock rose sharply Monday after chief executive Tim Cook sent a rare e-mail to a news commentator, saying sales in China had been strong.

FAA recorded almost 700 drones and aircraft near collisions

FAA reported that there had been almost 700 close encounters between drones and planes. Drones have no permissions to soar the sky of more than 400 feet off the ground or within the five miles of any airport, but on the day of August 15, drones messed with air traffic in the Unites States, dozens of them.

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Most investors in Silicon Valley use Mattermark to keep track of startup companies looking to raise funds. Now, its CEO and co-founder Danielle Morrill is giving a lot of advices for startup founders on how to get the most from fundraising in Silicon Valley.
Hackers are now taking advantage of the people affected by the recent Ashley Madison attack, security companies say.
Apple shares went down seven percent Tuesday, and down again six percent Friday amid the declining U.S. stocks.
When oil prices went below $42 per barrel, there were analysts that predicted it might even go as low as $15. It seems like this may soon happen as oil price continues to down, presently at $39.
China is reportedly planning to cut deposits that banks are required to hold in reserve to counter the effects of a weaker currency.
Prices of various precious metals have dropped, hitting junior miners. This prompted the junior miners to venture on various unconventional options, ranging from exporting eggs to farming medical marijuana.
Michael Jordan said that he was pleased with the decision of the jury to have the owners of Dominick's pay the athlete $8.9 million after using his name in an ad without his consent.
ZeroCater , the on-site catering service, has gained revenue of $100M in four years with $1.5M funds from Y Combinator and other individual investors. Founder Arram Sabeti started the company with only $7000.
The London property market that's been a favorite global hotspot for years, is fast losing its sheen as British pound becomes stronger, while emerging economies currencies are turning out to be weaker.
Retail Acquisitions, the new owner of department store chain BhS seeks for funding of 70 million pounds several months after buying it. The new owners are now talking with prospect providers for additional funds that would help them transform the iconic brand.
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