Wrist-worn drone wins Intel smart clothing contest
Intel Corp on Monday awarded $500,000 to a group of do-it-yourselfers who developed a wristband that converts to a camera-equipped drone to win a contest the chipmaker hopes will help guarantee it a leading position in the emerging market for wearable computing devices.
The Reserve Bank of Australia interest rate unlikely to remain unchanged in 2015: Board meeting explains "Monetary policy is appropriately configured to foster sustainable growth..."
Analysts expect that interest rates would not remain stable next year due to heated property markets in Sydney and Melbourne and rising unemployment rates.
ECB to keep TLTRO terms unchanged unless economic picture darkens: Sources
The ECB will not improve the terms of its ultra-cheap long-term loans for now, though this may change if it becomes clear that the euro zone economy is taking another turn for the worse, several sources familiar with the discussion told Reuters.
Chrysler U.S. sales up 22 percent on pickup truck demand
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCHA.MI)(FCAU.N) U.S. October sales rose 22 percent on strong pickup truck demand, the company said on Monday.