
ASL Marine to acquire Miclyn Express Offshore shipyard in Indonesia for $20M

Singapore-based shipbuilder ASL Marine Holdings agreed to acquire Miclyn Express Offshore's shipyard in Batam, Indonesia for $20 million through it subsidiary PT Sukses Shipyard Indonesia.

Startup producing test-tube leather to open facility in New York

Missouri, US-based biotech startup Modern Meadow is the process of opening a facility in New York to promote lab-grown leather and in-vitro meat to fashion firms and restaurants in the area.

Google to acquire Artificial Intelligence firm DeepMind

Search giant Google will be purchasing London-based artificial intelligence startup DeepMind founded by Demis Hassabis, Jaan Tallin and Shane Legg, according to news website Re/code.

Android still most popular mobile platform but Samsung is under pressure as competition heats up

Data showed that Android holds the top spot as the most popular mobile platform in the world but Samsung is clearly under pressure as local players step up their game, TechCrunch reported.

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Chairman Jifan Gao of Trina Solar Ltd said that there will be an acceleration in the rate of consolidations in the solar manufacturing industry in the next three years, Bloomberg reported.
Users in social media criticized billionaire venture capitalist Thomas Perkins for an open letter he sent to and was published in The Wall Street Journal comparing rich Americans to the Jews who suffered in the Holocaust, The Independent reported.
Online legal startups like LegalForce, RocketLawyer and others intend to bring law closer to the people and make it less expensive in the process, the San Jose Mercury News reported.
Apple Inc is already working towards the expansion of its mobile payments service to leverage on its rising number of iPhone and iPad users and iTunes customers, sources told The Wall Street Journal.
The laptops that were stolen from Coca-Cola's headquarters in Atlanta held personal information like names and Social Security numbers of up to 74,000 people, a report from The Wall Street Journal said.
A Marshall, Texas federal jury awarded $1 to Google for winning a case against patent-licensing company Beneficial Innovations Inc for suing its customers, Bloomberg reported.
India's private equity industry is growing and fund managers are getting seasoned industry veterans to help manage their portfolios and add more value to their investments, The Financial Express reported.
Kotak Private Equity is purchasing a 19% stake in offshore logistics support services firm Samson Maritime from IFC and JM Financial for Rs 150 crore, sources told The Economic Times.
A Japanese restaurant in Bloomfield, Pittsburgh is already accepting the digital currency Bitcoin to pay for Omakase or "chef's tasting menu," a report on Pittsburgh Post-Gazette said.
China will continue to attract private equity investors of emerging markets, according to Paul Fletcher of Actis and Sev Vettivetpillai of Abraaj in their talk with Peter Vanham of Financial Times blog beyondbrics.
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