Japan's Ricoh agrees to purchase American IT firm mindSHIFT from Best Buy
Tokyo, Japan-based multinational imaging and electronics company Ricoh has entered an agreement to acquire Massachusetts, US-based IT services provider mindSHIFT Technologies Inc from Best Buy Co Inc for an undisclosed amount.
Africa's biggest retirement fund administrator exits stake in Swiss unit of Lane Clark & Peacock ahead of IPO
Johannesburg, South Africa-based independent retirement fund administrator Alexander Forbes Ltd sold its 60% holding in Lane Clark & Peacock's Swiss unit for an undisclosed sum last year, ahead of a 2014 initial public offering (IPO).
New research showcases benefits of crowdfunding for entrepreneurs
New research from Capital Crowdfund Advisors showed that entrepreneurs who crowdfunded did very well, getting an increase in sales, among others, Forbes Contributor Cheryl Conner reported.
Editor Tony Gallagher leaves UK media Telegraph
Tony Gallagher, the editor of UK-based newspaper Daily Telegraph, stepped down from his position amid a restructuring program as the company prepares to shift its focus to digital publishing.