Nigeria's Ntel Seeks $1 Billion Investment for 4G LTE Service Expansion
Ntel is seeking $1 billion loan investment for its 4G mobile broadband expansion for 2020 to take advantage of the increasing number of smartphone users in Africa. It will start its 4G LTE service to Abuja and Lagos by April 8 competing with other Nigerian four company internet and broadband providers.
Dozens of Lawsuit Against SunEdison Indicates Creditors’ Tilting Confidence
SunEdison has been passing through acute cash crunch while embattling with lawsuits. Though the lawsuits have been filed recently and remain pending for adjudication, the variety of claimants has attracted analysts’ attention. However, the event has been analyzed as instance of tilting confidence among the creditors as well as investors.
Scandinavian FSAs Summon Banks To Explain Their Accounts Against Panama Papers’ Allegations
Nordea Bank of Sweden and DNB ASA of Norway, largest lenders of the respective countries, have been accused of aiding in tax dodging by the leaked ‘Panama Papers’. DSAs of the respective countries have summoned them to explain their roles over the allegations. However, both the banks have denied any wrongdoing while reiterating commitments for upholding laws.
‘Panama Papers’ Under Lens of The US Justice Department
The US Justice Department considers any credible allegation for violation of Federal Laws under its geographical territory very seriously. The department has been conducting its war against corruption through seizing assets related to illicit activities. Following leak of ‘Panama Papers’, it has been reviewing documents related to tax dodging through offshore accounts.