Growth Equity
The FNA Group to be Refinanced by Bank of America
FNA Group finances boosted by refinancing from Bank of America. Livingstone, a renowned and independent global investment banking firm was pleased to announce the completion of negotiations on the refinancing by Bank of America of the FNA Group, Inc.
Eskom SOC to Issue Debt to Build Plants
In an effort to improve South Africa's power situation, Eskom SOC would be issuing debt instruments to fund the building of two of the world's largest coal fired plants.
Ouya Obtains US$15 million in venture financing
Ouya console gaming gets a boost with US$15 million from venture capitalists. The maker of a US$99 video game console that utilizes Google Inc's Android operating system, Ouya Inc has raised US$15 million in venture capitalist funding in expanding its operations.
Barclays Private Credit Partners Grant EuNetwork Debt Funding Commitment
Barclays Grants EuNetwork debt funding for its growth potential. The EuNetworks Group, a bandwidth communications provider, disclosed that it availed of a term loan funding agreement with Barclays Private Credit Partners Fund LP.