Growth Equity

The FNA Group to be Refinanced by Bank of America

FNA Group finances boosted by refinancing from Bank of America. Livingstone, a renowned and independent global investment banking firm was pleased to announce the completion of negotiations on the refinancing by Bank of America of the FNA Group, Inc.

Eskom SOC to Issue Debt to Build Plants

In an effort to improve South Africa's power situation, Eskom SOC would be issuing debt instruments to fund the building of two of the world's largest coal fired plants.

Ouya Obtains US$15 million in venture financing

Ouya console gaming gets a boost with US$15 million from venture capitalists. The maker of a US$99 video game console that utilizes Google Inc's Android operating system, Ouya Inc has raised US$15 million in venture capitalist funding in expanding its operations.

Barclays Private Credit Partners Grant EuNetwork Debt Funding Commitment

Barclays Grants EuNetwork debt funding for its growth potential. The EuNetworks Group, a bandwidth communications provider, disclosed that it availed of a term loan funding agreement with Barclays Private Credit Partners Fund LP.

Latest News

Additional financing was obtained by FoodPanda for its delivery services. The Berlin based online food delivery business, Foodpanda, was able to obtain a US$20 million additional funding as reported by Reuters.
Dangote to build refinery with funds Africa's wealthiest man, Aliko Dangote, announced that he has negotiated loans amounting to US$4. 25 billion to fund the construction of a refinery to help the African continent's biggest crude oil producer be weaned from gasoline imports.
Almarai Co is to offer nearly US$500 million debt bonds for its expansion program. Almarai Co is a Saudi Arabian food conglomerate that is currently operating a joint venture project with PepsiCo Inc.
Neurophage receives US$6.4 million as investment capital. NeuroPhage disclosed in an announcement that it was able to accumulate a US$6. 4 million from its round of private equity growth fund.
Portugal bond sale met with high demand as For the first time since the bailout of 2011, Portugal sold ten year bonds. This is a clear manifestation as to the untiring efforts to restore investor confidence in the recovering economy of the country through the hard fought implementation of austerity policies.
Three major companies have purchased spectrum from Australia's regulator. Australia's wireless spectrum has been sold off to the consortium of Telstra Corp, Singapore Telecommunications Ltd's Optus unit and TPG Telecom Ltd.
SeaWorld, after its recent IPO, is seeking a US$1.4 billion loan in order to refinance its debt. The Blackstone Group controlled SeaWorld Entertainment Inc is now seeking a US$1.
Clustrix raised US$16.5 million from investors totalling US$46.5 million overall. On Monday, Clustrix announced the recently concluded funding round that was able to raise an estimated amount of US$16.
TallGrass Energy IPO to be done with an expectation of revenues amounting to US$300 million. About US$300 million is expected to be raised by Tallgrass Energy Partners LP from its initial public offer.
Freddie Mac offers ninety day and 120 day bonds. The second largest home mortgage company, Freddie Mac, has announced that it would be selling US$3. 0 billion of reference bills come Monday.