Growth Equity
Inflows Surprise Many Despite Gold Price Tumble
Analysts and traders saw great fund inflows despite tumbling prices of gold and other commodities. Despite record losses for gold and other precious metals, many hedge funds and speculators continued to pour money into these investments.
Horizon Tech Finance Grants US$2M Loan to New Haven Pharma
Horizon Tech provides New Haven Pharma a US$2 million loan. It was announced today that New Haven Pharma was able to secure a US$2 million venture loan from Horizon Technology Finance.
Klovern AB issues new bonds to market
Klovern AB issues new bonds pegged at three months STIBOR plus 4% due on 2017 with a volume of SEK 500 million.
BBVA's New Bond Issue a First in Europe
BBVA's AT1 bond issue is expected to be the first of many of its kind under the new Capital Requirements Regulation in Europe.