
Small steps to Mars are a big leap for Indian companies

Indian companies that built most of the parts for the country's recently launched Mars mission are using their low-cost, high-tech expertise in frugal space engineering to compete for global aerospace, defence and nuclear contracts worth billions.

This skill may bring about gender balance in PE industry

A report said the dearth of women in the leadership ranks of the private equity industry can be solved in the natural evolution of the private equity business model.

Mobile apps to be top global investment in 2014 -report

According to the UK-based "Global State of Enterprise Mobility for the Past, Present and Future" report, mobile apps could be the most invested-in startups in 2014.

Booming IPO market could cap bond supply

Leveraged finance bankers are heading into 2014 with the same old nagging doubts about whether M&A will finally pick up, but this time round there is an even greater desire for a resurgence as refinancing opportunities fade.

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A report from the Straits Times debunked the perception that Chinese firms were facing growing hurdles in the US, citing data that China's investments in the US had nearly tripled this year.
In a 254-159 vote, the US House of Representatives passed a legislation exempting private equity firms from provisions in the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Law. However, a similar action is not expected from the Democrat-dominated US Senate.
According to a report by the South China Morning Post, the approved merger of American Airlines and US Airways to form the largest airline by revenues in the world is not good news for passengers.
British insurers plan to invest 25 billion pounds ($41 billion) in transport and energy projects over the next five years, the finance ministry said on Wednesday, a day before it presents a half-yearly economic update.
The International Data Corporation released its forecast for the PC market worldwide, estimating a 10.1% plunge in 2013 sales, a 3.8% contraction in 2014, and a 300-million mark on an annual basis.
A Financial Times report said investment banks worldwide are set to reduce employee remuneration for the third year even as profits have increased, highlighting the importance placed on shareholder returns than on the pay of employees.
U.S. online sales are expected to hit $2 billion on "Cyber Monday," for the first time since the data firm comScore has been tracking such information.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Monday called for changes to the U.S. financial risk council that could slow the process by which it designates large financial firms as "systemic," subjecting them to tougher supervision.
Citing data from Preqin, a report on the Financial Times said that investors were betting on European infrastructure projects. Despite the demand, the funds have backed fewer projects this year.
According to Financial Times, the Bitcoin fever has caught on to Silicon Valley with digital currency companies getting venture capital financing in their early rounds.
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