
Israeli investment broker jailed for 12 years

To deter future thieves in the industry, a judge sentenced an accused investment broker for 12 years in prison.

Garland's 888 Fund seeks China's super rich

John Garland created an 888 Fund which aims to attract the wealthiest investors in Asia. (Photo : Reuters)This is an Australian dollar. John Garland, a businessman from Perth, Australia, formed an investment fund in an attempt to attract Asia's wealthiest investors to the Australian market.

Waze paves way for Israel startups

Google's acquisition of Waze could put Israel's tech development industry back on the map, analysts said.

Bad Reputation Leads to Falling Stock Prices for Manila Water Company

Manila Water Company's (MWC) stock prices plummeted after a week since it was reported that the water regulator was letting its consumers pay for its taxes.

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To achieve the 3% leverage ratio target proposed by Basel, analysts claimed that Deutsche Bank still has to increase its capital or decrease its assets by 409 billion Euros.
Russia's Gazprombank has withdrawn from the Swiss franc Tier 2 Bond deal, source revealed. (Photo : maximzimin. com)Gazprombank pulls out of deal allegedly While the third largest bank belonging to the Russian Federation, Gazprombank, has yet to give an official statement on this move, the source confirmed that the bank preferred to wait for better market conditions before continuing on with the Swiss Franc Tier 2 deal.
Dayli, an Austrian drug store chain acknowledged that its neighborhood stores concept is not effective, and therefore filed for a restructuring on Thursday.
Two food giants, Nestle and Danone faced China's probe on the food sector for unethical practices with price cuts on infant milk formula.
Shipbuilder Rongsheng shares were stopped from trading in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the Rongsheng Shipyard now under pressure.
The European Parliament approved a plan that would fix carbon market glut and resolve problems regarding its price plunge.
Analysts said that investments on augmented reality technology will grow within the next few years. (Photo : Reuters)Motion response is a principle in augmented reality technology.
Angel investors in India opposed a new three-year lock in rule by Sebi. (Photo : Reuters)This is an image of the Indian flag. The biggest angel investor group in Asia, India Angel Network, stated its apprehension over Sebi's proposal to do a lock in period for angel investors lasting three years.
The African Finance Corporation handed $250 million worth of power-systems investment as part of Power Africa.
The Chinese smartphone industry boosted the production of chips in Korea, making investors in the industry in charge of the market.
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